Category: <span>Uncategorized</span>

Calgary Headshot Express Sessions

Are you thinking about a career change, maybe looking to freshen up your resume or even trying to get into acting and modeling. Having a great headshot, especially in a city like Calgary is key to your success. Your headshot…

Calgary fall photo sessions

Fall family session are here and time is limited to take advantage before the golden leaves turn to snow. Now is the time to book your family photography session in Calgary and capture those amazing images that only happen once…

Santa Photos In The Park

Its starting to look a lot like Christmas! The most wonderful time of year filled with traditions and celebrations. And one of those traditions is your photo with Santa. But why would you go to the mall and deal with…

Cell Phone Photos vs Real Camera Photos.

The argument I hear often is why does my business need professional photos of the products we sell? The camera on my phone takes perfectly good photos. In most cases that might be true, the cameras they have on cell…

Strategy sessions for marketing & branding

Knowing that a business needs to market is easy. The difficulty comes in knowing how to do it effectively. The simplest way to do that is to first figure out what your goals for your marketing are. Are you trying…

Selfie vs Pro Photographer Headshot.

Which is going to give you a better headshot? You using your iPhone camera or getting a professional headshot done. I’m going to fully admit as a professional photographer, I am a little biased in this topic but bare with…

What do you consider a headshot?

What we think of headshots now is far different to what they were 10 or 15 years ago. Heck even 5 years ago. No longer is your headshot a step above your DMV photos and the experience is something to…

Calgary Fall Family Mini Photo Sessions

School has started up again, there’s a chill in the morning air and the leaves are beginning to turn color. What does this all mean? Fall is around the corner and now is the perfect time to think about booking…

Why make a marketing plan?

There is something undeniable about putting pen to paper and making a plan. It could be a simple To Do list or a full business plan. Writing it and seeing it laid out makes the whole thing real and your…