
Benefits of getting a professional headshot done

Why do I need a professional headshot? Do I even need one? Or can’t I just use my phone to do it? Its the same thing right?

The answer to that is no, it’s not the same thing and if your running a business, it won’t do.

The first benefit of getting a professional headshot done is that others get to put a name to a face they are seeing. In an ever-growing virtual marketplace being able to see what others look like is the first step in establishing your VCP. Your VCP stands for, your Visibility, Credibility and Profitability ant that key to the success of your business.

Lets face it. Potential customers are more likely to do business with you if they can make a connection. That connection is seeing who you are.

Having a professional headshot not only make you look good but imagine the impact It can have on your whole team. Investing the same efforts in making your team look good not only recognizes them as valued members of your business but lets your customers know that you can trust anyone that works there to get the job done in a professional and efficient manner.

Not sure what I mean by that? Take a look at my headshot page, Headshot Photography and check out the headshots I’ve been able to create for other entrepreneurs & businesses alike.
While you are there don’t forget to download my free guide to the Top 5 Visual Assets that Every Business Needs and get your fall marketing off to a great start.

Filipek Photography, visual storytelling for the digital age.

Calgary headshot photography

Calgary on location headshot photography

What are product photos Calgary?

Generally, the answer to this question is rather self-explanatory. But for most businesses, including local Calgary based businesses. This answer is a little more complicated. Most local Calgary businesses don’t just sell one thing. They sell a whole range of products and with those products a full range of services to go along with that. The way you set your business apart from your competitors is going to determine if those efforts are successful or not.

Photos of your products that not only clearly shows what it is but what it does in the real world will get you noticed by your customers and make you look that much better than the other guy.

Not sure what I mean by that? Go to . Check out the product photos I’ve been able to create for other local Calgary businesses. While you are there why don’t you download my free guide to the Top 5 Visual Assets that Every Business Needs and get your fall marketing off to a great start.

Filipek Photography, visual storytelling for the digital age.

Showroom product photos in Calgary, Ab

Product photos shot in studio Calgary

Product photos shot in studio Calgary

Who needs a headshot today?

The answer for this is easy, everyone needs a headshot!
I’m not talking about the one that you have on your Facebook from that party 3 years ago. I’m talking about a real professional headshot. One that not only makes you look like a boss but makes everyone else sit up and take notice of you. The key to that being it makes you look like YOU. That could mean going outside and finding an amazing location in downtown, setting up in the studio or going for a walk in the park. The location should match the overall branding that you and your business are showcasing to your customers.

Not sure what I mean by that? Go to the headshot section of my site and check out the headshots I’ve been able to create for other entrepreneurs. While you are there why don’t you download my free guide to the Top 5 Visual Assets that Every Business Needs and get your fall marketing off to a great start.

Filipek Photography, visual storytelling for the digital age.

Examples of headshot photography done by Filipek Photography. A mixture of Studio, on location and natural light setting headshot photography.

Examples of headshot photography done by Filipek Photography. A mixture of Studio, on location and natural light setting headshot photography.

More than just photos!

A picture says a thousand words and in today’s marketing reality its more important than ever. Let’s face it no one reads websites anymore. At best people skim them. So how do you get anyone, let alone potential clients to stop and pay attention to what you’re trying to say?


The bigger and better the photos on your website are the more your customers are going to want to stick around and pay attention to what you’re trying to tell them.
Not sure how to do that, don’t worry. One of the first things you can do is download my free guide to the Top 5 Visual Assets that Every Business Needs.


The second thing you can do is give me a call and together we can get your fall marketing off to a great start.

Filipek Photography, visual storytelling for the digital age.